Architecture stencils
Cause and Effect - Fishbone Diagram
This is a ready-made Fishbone, or Ishikawa, diagram to get you started on your Cause and Effect analysis. The whole diagram is made as a group for easy drag-and-drop between the stencil and your canvas. Before starting to work on your Fishbone diagram, you should ungroup the compound shape. The primary and secondary causes...more
Charts for storyboarding v1.2
A different set of charts and a table which can be used to create a storyboard or workflow for a dashboard
Charts & Graphs
Charts and Graphs for User experience and wireframe designing
Cisco Network Topology Icons
The full Cisco Icon Library PDF as an Omnigraffle Stencil. 291 icons spanning the full set of Cisco products plus miscellaneous icons useful in network diagramming. This builds upon the Cisco Universal Stencil, with all reference labels and order from the Cisco Library PDF. Given the amount of vectors in this Stencil, when...more
Cisco Routers
Stencil of Cisco network routers. Ideal for creating physical diagrams.
Colorfill boxes
A set of colored boxes.
Connectors & Jacks
Cable connectors and Jacks for Audio Visual Design and Network Designs
Corsair SSDs
The current line of SSDs for Corsair.
Crashplan / Backup
Icons for backup.