Programming stencils
Charts & Graphs
Charts and Graphs for User experience and wireframe designing
Chatbot Robots
Chatbots are coming and we must be prepared! This is the ultimate stencil for designing chatbots. It includes everything you need to design your own chatbot for desktop or mobile apps. What’s a chatbot? It’s an automated agent that can respond to simple chat commands. Chatbots are often used for customer service in mobile...more
Chef Icons
This is an updated set of Chef stencils for use with OmniGraffle for creating diagrams. The stencils match the icons used on diagrams. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Cisco Universal (iOS and Mac OS)
Cisco's vector shapes from converted from individual color EPS files (last updated May 2010) to allow use with the iOS and the Mac OS release of OmniGraffle. There are 293 shapes in this stencil. OmniGraffle for the Mac will display these in full vector while the current iOS...more
Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC)
Class Responsibility Collaborator Models.
Click Modular Router
Click is a new software architecture for building flexible and configurable routers. A Click router is assembled from packet processing modules called elements. Individual elements implement simple router functions like packet classifcation, queueing, scheduling, and interfacing with network devices. A router configuration...more
Colorfill boxes
A set of colored boxes.
Components (Drupal 7 CMS)
Included in this stencil you'll find some of the default components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the admin menu, tabs, messages, blocks, forms, menus, nodes, comments,...
Conversational Architecture
A stencil for the Conversational Architecture design language, used to specify multi-channel, multi-modal and multi-directional web and mobile applications.