Programming stencils
iCanScript Modelling Language
Diagram symbols to create iCanScript graphs. iCanScript is a visual scripting package for Unity3D game engine.
The IDEF0 Functional Modeling method is designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system. This is a stencil to help you out IDEF0 modeling in OmniGraffle. Please send emails with your suggestions. Enjoy it!
Index Card
Virtual index card! One plain, one with alternating rows. Color can be changed, and you can tab from one line to the other in an expected order.
iPhone Sketch
This is a stencil for quick sketching of iPhone ideas. Use the outline for printouts so you can hand sketch as well. The symbols are meant as a check list for included features in your app development. Visit and join in:-) Please leave a comment, nice to know if it's usable for others. Stencils
Stencils for the Cloud Services
Java FX
Java FX Stencil
jo JavaScript Framework for HTML5
Jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo is designed to create applications. This stencil presents standard jo UI elements
jQuery Mobile UI Elements OmniGraffle Stencil
With the exciting July 2011 release of jQuery Mobile cam an onslaught of people looking to design and develop for this amazing new mobile platform, myself included. As we raced to our wire-framing software to begin creating jQuery mobile layout goodness, many of us soon realized that there are no stencils available … Until...more
Ladder Logic: Accumulator Logical
Direct Logic: Ladder Logic. Use these in Keynote to animate blocks of code. This stencil is #2 of 8