Stencils tagged with ‘architecture’
Scale Rulers - Metric
Here are some scale rulers that you can drag onto your maps, site plans, floor plans, or any other project where you want to provide your audience with a sense of scale. You are welcome to modify these rulers to suit your needs and post them back on Graffletopia as your own. Note: These rulers are completely vector based, so...more
North Point 1
Here is a range of North Points for use with architectural plans and maps. Some sparrows made their way into the stencils as well.
Mouldings 1
These are profiles of architectural mouldings. Copy, flip, stretch the bezier points of the profiles to construct your own mouldings, then add linear blend fills and shadows, similar to the moulding used to frame these profiles.
Bantik UML
Because UML doesn't have to be black and white... Version 2 turns the 'object' object into a table, making adding an attribute, method, or private method as simple as command-enter.