Stencils tagged with ‘men’
eEPK (EPC) Glossy Stencil
Erweiterte Ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette
Science apparatus
A selection of science apparatus used in a post 16 class room
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Conversational Architecture
A stencil for the Conversational Architecture design language, used to specify multi-channel, multi-modal and multi-directional web and mobile applications.
Pattern Instance Notation - Expanded PINboxes
This stencil aids in creating Expanded PINboxes for the Pattern Instance Notation. (See that stencil for the Collapsed and Standard forms of the PINbox.) Pattern Instance Notation is a software diagramming notation for working with design patterns, both on its own and as an adjunct to UML and other modeling visual languages....more
Pattern Instance Notation (PIN)
Pattern Instance Notation is a software diagramming notation for working with design patterns, both on its own and as an adjunct to UML and other modeling visual languages. It is described in full in the article The Pattern Instance Notation: A Simple Hierarchical Visual Notation for the Dynamic Visualization and...more
Document Variables
A quick stencil for document variables, available by setting information in the Document: Data Inspector.
Glossary (Magnolia CMS)
Glossary Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.
Article (Magnolia CMS)
Article Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.