Stencils tagged with ‘men’
Teaser Latest (Magnolia CMS)
Teaser Latest Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.
Wide Grids (Magnolia CMS)
Wide Grids stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance management tool - a semi-standard structured report supported by proven design methods and automation tools that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by staff within their control and monitor the consequences arising from these actions....more
Leadership Behavior Matrix
Source: Philosophy For Creative Leadership by P. Casse & P.G. Claudel.
Apple Folder Elements 2010
A collection of official Apple folder icons, for use in network or software diagramming. Includes the following: All Finder icons (photos, music, videos, developer, etc) Smart folder icon, '@' icons for visual representation of links Blank page icons 35 Total. Please note this stencil has NO magnets currently, these will be...more
Apple Hardware Elements 2010
A collection of official Apple hardware icons, for use in physical network diagramming. Includes the following: iMac (all generations) MacBook Pro (unibody, previous generation) MacBook (unibody, previous generation) PowerBook (all generations) AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule Apple Cinema Display iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch XServe...more
Designa PM100 equipment
Stencil for creating parking lot equipment scheme based on Designa PM100 equipment.
Cause and Effect - Fishbone Diagram
This is a ready-made Fishbone, or Ishikawa, diagram to get you started on your Cause and Effect analysis. The whole diagram is made as a group for easy drag-and-drop between the stencil and your canvas. Before starting to work on your Fishbone diagram, you should ungroup the compound shape. The primary and secondary causes...more
Endian UTM Product Family
Stencil of Endian UTM product family. Ideal for creating physical diagrams.