Stencils tagged with ‘modelling’
ArchiMate 2.0: Information
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the information concepts. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.
ArchiMate 2.0: Behaviour
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the behavioural concepts. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.
Variability Diagram
The variability model notation is a notation which has been proposed by Klaus Pohl and provides elements for modelling variability in SW products.
eEPK / EPC Diagram Stencils
Stencils to create eEPK diagrams. eEPK are used to do process modeling. For details about eEPK see wikipedia * (English) or * (German)
Learning Activity Patterns
Visual vocabulary for modelling Learning Activity Patterns in e-learning 2.0 environment. Created in the context of iCamp project (