Stencils tagged with ‘twitter’

Twitter Bootstrap 3.0: The Essentials

Twitter Bootstrap 3.0: The Essentials

This stencil features some of the big design changes made to Twitter Bootstrap with the deploy of 3.0—flat buttons, new form styles, and subtle color changes. These are the essentials. Yay, easy drag-and-dropping! Please note: these stencils are built on and meant to be used with the Twitter Bootstrap 2.0+ stencils...more

Simple Social Media Icons

Simple Social Media Icons

A huge set of simple social media icons. They are vector / scalable. It's a direct port from Alex Peattie's set from here: Thanks Alex!

Twitter Bootstrap UI

Twitter Bootstrap UI

This is a basic set of UI components to use when wireframing applications that use the Bootstrap framework. It is not a complete set, but it has already saved me tons of time and I'm hoping to add more in future versions soon.

Twitter Bootstrap 1.4 Assets & Grid

Twitter Bootstrap 1.4 Assets & Grid

This is based on the Bootstrap CSS Toolkit 1.4 from Twitter ( Provides a 940px grid for laying out your mockups. Includes the design and layout assets.

Twitter Widgets

Twitter Widgets

Twitter and Tweetmeme widgets. Enjoy!

Social Media Peeps

Social Media Peeps

Social Media people that you can use for charts and diagrams of communities, bloggers, Tweeps, whatever you can imagine.