7 stencils favorited show all

Google Maps Assets

Google Maps Assets

Just a quick and clean Google map asset stencil.

famfamfam Icons

famfamfam Icons

The icons from famfamfam.com as an omnigraffle stencil.

Webalys - Icons

Webalys - Icons

• A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers. • These icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. They can be used for website wireframes, online application design, software interface mockup... • They are based on a precise 16 pixels grid, which means that they stay clear and have crispy...more

Rails DB Modeling

Rails DB Modeling

This is a semi-complete version of a Ruby on Rails way to model a database. The table objects include a space to enter in the declarations that you are considering placing in your model files. I have included a list of reminders of the things that would go into the model declarations towards the right. Each table has anchor...more



Large stencil with lots of elements. The screenshot does not do it justice since it is so large.

Twitter Bootstrap 1.4 Assets & Grid

Twitter Bootstrap 1.4 Assets & Grid

This is based on the Bootstrap CSS Toolkit 1.4 from Twitter (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/). Provides a 940px grid for laying out your mockups. Includes the design and layout assets.