19 stencils favorited show all

North America

North America

North America is brought to you by Canada, The United States, Mexico and many more nations (as well as a fine set of islands). English and native-language names of states, provinces and countries are stored in the notes field and will pop up in OmniGraffle Pro. Clicking with the action tool (the gloved hand) will direct your...more

South America

South America

Goooooooooaaaaaaaal! You have just scored a OmniGraffle map stencil of South America! Replete with native country names and Wikipedia links, one can drag and drop Brazil, Argentina and over a dozen other exciting nations all while maintaining relative scale! (Did you know Chile is nearly as wide as the U.S.? Drag it onto the...more

Site Map Stencil

Site Map Stencil

This stencil allows you to create site maps in manual mode. It has various page types that can be dragged and dropped on the page as well as description copy blocks. Very helpful for people who used to create site maps manually in Visio.

Value Creation Network Design

Value Creation Network Design

With the gaining popularity of Kanban, flow-based delivery, and mixture of lean/systems thinking with software delivery, I decided to create a notation for helping the model value creation networks. I've extended value stream mapping notation with concepts more suitable for nonlinear, creative knowledge work. This value...more

Value Chain

Value Chain

Generic Value Chains (from Michael Porters work) are a great way to characterise business and competitive advantage. I have done a stencil to allow you to quickly sketch the generic chain and then go crazy on it for your biz.

UX Caricatures

UX Caricatures

Stylized caricatures of leading figures in the fields of user experience, information architecture, and interaction design.