19 stencils favorited show all

Charts & Graphs

Charts & Graphs

Charts and Graphs for User experience and wireframe designing

User Experience Professional

User Experience Professional

The user experience professional stencil kit allows you to design provably better web forms. The layouts included are based on eye tracking research undertaken by UX researcher Matteo Penzo (which itself used form layouts by Luke Wroblewski, a well-known UX designer). All of the core components you need to design forms...more

Experience canvas

Experience canvas

Inspired after the Business Model Canvas, Atlassian adapted its format and created their version of Experience Canvas. https://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/10/fight-the-dark-side-of-lean-ux-with-the-experience-canvas/ I found Experience Canvas extremely useful and created a stencil to share with people who might find this...more

Flat UI Elements

Flat UI Elements

A collection of web elements (components) for easy and fast wire-framing for all of your UI needs. This stencil includes drop-downs, pagination, radio buttons, checkboxes, and buttons, plus a few bonus icons and credit cards.

Lil Pages - 50 UI Layouts

Lil Pages - 50 UI Layouts

Lil Pages opens up the flexibility and enjoyment of creating beautiful documents to help communicate user flows, storyboarding, site map flowcharts, fast wireframing or simply UI icons to use in your next project. Lil Pages have been created to be simple, elegant and work straight out of the box. However, the real power lies...more

Lego People

Lego People

Utilizing images from the Peeron Lego Set Inventory image database, this stencil provides some Lego body parts for creation of some interesting characters. Many more are available and as a lego nerd please reflect your appreciation to the Peeron folks.