34 stencils favorited show all

Screen Resolutions

Screen Resolutions

Screen resolutions stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.

Facebook Comments

Facebook Comments

Facebook comments and Facebook add a comment widget for websites.

Components (Drupal 7 CMS)

Components (Drupal 7 CMS)

Included in this stencil you'll find some of the default components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the admin menu, tabs, messages, blocks, forms, menus, nodes, comments,...

elwebUI Web wireframe kit

elwebUI Web wireframe kit

This is the stencil I created over the past three years of making wireframes every day. They save me a bunch on time and I thought the best thing was to share it. All elements are made with vectors inside of OmniGraffle. PDF exports are very small (file size) and resolution independent. You can zoom in as much as you want...more

Google Web GUI

Google Web GUI

Contains all the elements of new Google Web Applications GUI.

Flat Form Design

Flat Form Design

A simple stencil with various form designs including multi-select checklists, radios, text and paragraph fields, active and inactive CTAs, dropdowns, and the like. Also includes text formatting for H1, H2, H3 and 'graph text.