28 stencils favorited show all

Web Form Builder

Web Form Builder

Collection of form elements for PC and Mac, broken up to enable quick resizable text windows, drop down elements etc.

Twitter Widgets

Twitter Widgets

Twitter and Tweetmeme widgets. Enjoy!

Touch Gesture Reference

Touch Gesture Reference

The Touch Gesture Reference is a stencil for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces.

Teaser Groups (Magnolia CMS)

Teaser Groups (Magnolia CMS)

Teaser Group Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.

Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS

This is a stencil on a Nintendo DS Lite. Very helpful if you need to do screen mock ups.

Medium Grids (Magnolia CMS)

Medium Grids (Magnolia CMS)

Medium Grid Layouts from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.