27 stencils favorited show all

User Experience Professional

User Experience Professional

The user experience professional stencil kit allows you to design provably better web forms. The layouts included are based on eye tracking research undertaken by UX researcher Matteo Penzo (which itself used form layouts by Luke Wroblewski, a well-known UX designer). All of the core components you need to design forms...more

Whale UX Wireframing Kit

Whale UX Wireframing Kit

Using custom XML shapes (included), this wireframing kit allows you to create complex forms and UI elements that act as a single shape. Includes pixel-optimized original icons and ideograms, buttons with glass effects and realistic Mac and Windows pointers.

Conversational Architecture

Conversational Architecture

A stencil for the Conversational Architecture design language, used to specify multi-channel, multi-modal and multi-directional web and mobile applications.

E-commerce (Drupal 7 CMS)

E-commerce (Drupal 7 CMS)

Included in this stencil you'll find the default components for the Drupal 7 E-commerce module. It features core components found in the E-commerce module, such as the shopping cart block, product overview, product details, shopping cart overview, checkout, review order and success page.

Components (Drupal 7 CMS)

Components (Drupal 7 CMS)

Included in this stencil you'll find some of the default components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the admin menu, tabs, messages, blocks, forms, menus, nodes, comments,...

jQuery Mobile UI Elements OmniGraffle Stencil

jQuery Mobile UI Elements OmniGraffle Stencil

With the exciting July 2011 release of jQuery Mobile cam an onslaught of people looking to design and develop for this amazing new mobile platform, myself included. As we raced to our wire-framing software to begin creating jQuery mobile layout goodness, many of us soon realized that there are no stencils available … Until...more