52 stencils favorited show all

OS logos

OS logos

A collection of OS/hardware logos, including Sun, HP, Linux, Red Hat, FreeBSD, Windows, Debian, Darwin, IBM, and VMware.

Computers and Monitors (isometric)

Computers and Monitors (isometric)

Scaleable, labeled vector stencils converted from original isometric shapes of Visio 2007.

Apple Hardware Elements 2010

Apple Hardware Elements 2010

A collection of official Apple hardware icons, for use in physical network diagramming. Includes the following: iMac (all generations) MacBook Pro (unibody, previous generation) MacBook (unibody, previous generation) PowerBook (all generations) AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule Apple Cinema Display iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch XServe...more

Value Stream Mapping

Value Stream Mapping

Visualize the value streams in your supply chain or material flows.

Simple D&D Map Builder

Simple D&D Map Builder

This is a simple, black and white, stencil for drawing D&D Maps. Create a new document and set it's gridlines on and ensure it is set to 1 inch or 2.54 cm. set gridlines to print. Then, you can drag over the elements of a dungeon. Let me know what you think via my website

Road Map

Road Map

Handy for creating directions. Road sign shields were modified from originals at the Wikimedia Commons.