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iPhone Wire Frames

iPhone Wire Frames

This is a basic stencil for creating wire frames for iPhone optimized web sites (from April 2008) Includes standard components like form fields, buttons, dialogs, key boards, lists, loading icon, selected state. Any feedback would be appreciated, and I will make appropriate revisions.

Wireframe Sketch

Wireframe Sketch

Use to create printouts for your paper-protoyping or interactive mockups that can be exported to click-able pdf in Omni. Please let me know of any omissions/additions and I'll update the stencil.

Toy Building Bricks

Toy Building Bricks

We spend all day creating all sorts of things with Graffle; org charts, graphs, maps and more. Somewhere along the way we discovered that in your spare time it can also be used to create a great looking boat, a house, or a spaceship! In the interest of good, clean fun the Toy Building Bricks stencil was born. Download it...more



Got a green thumb? You should probably get that checked out, you know. But if it turns out you aren't a flesh eating zombie, maybe you're horticulturally inclined and a prime candidate for enjoying the many, many (well "several") uses of our new Garden Stencil.

Venn and Shin Diagram Stencil

Venn and Shin Diagram Stencil

This is a stencil with the necessary shapes for improved VENN diagramming (Shin diagramming). More about this kind of diagramming can be found here for mathematics: http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/topics/arithmetic.html#venn or here for philosophy: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/diagrams/.

Business Process Model

Business Process Model

My own version of a BPM / UML stencil. Includes a key to show how to combine the shapes - very stylised, but enjoy and hope you find it useful :)