15 stencils favorited show all

North America

North America

North America is brought to you by Canada, The United States, Mexico and many more nations (as well as a fine set of islands). English and native-language names of states, provinces and countries are stored in the notes field and will pop up in OmniGraffle Pro. Clicking with the action tool (the gloved hand) will direct your...more

Canadian Map

Canadian Map

This stencil has been created at the same scale as our "States of the USA" stencil, using Natural Resources Canada data.

DVD Studio Pro

DVD Studio Pro

This is a nice set of objects and assets to better manage projects in Apple's DVD Studio Pro. Also available in a small version.

famfamfam Flag icons

famfamfam Flag icons

Port of the Flags library from http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/

Isometric Icecubes

Isometric Icecubes

Colourful, scalable isometric blocks useful for making layer diagrams or pseudo-3d illustrations.

WebFlow 2.0

WebFlow 2.0

Why shouldn't your web flowchart be sexy? A blend of illustration and technical chic, WebFlow 2.0 is designed for those of us who work in the creative services industry and want to show our clients flowcharts with style. The icons in the stencil are magnetized and are great for the rapid development of web site frameworks...more