56 stencils favorited show all

Facebook Applications

Facebook Applications

A pretty sizable collection of Facebook related elements to use in creating wireframes for Facebook applications.

2x2 Matrix

2x2 Matrix

2x2 Matrixes are used in mba's and business modelling. Trying to find something quick to sketch them with on macs is hard. So I worked up a stencil for us all to use.

Non-techie Process Diagram / Flowchart 1.1

Non-techie Process Diagram / Flowchart 1.1

We needed to map out process diagrams for various procedures and wanted something a bit more aesthetically pleasing than the more traditional approaches. This stencil consists of various normal and custom shapes, plus a few we robbed from other stencils, and line styles. Shapes are provided for: * Process * Task (both...more

iPhone Wire Frames

iPhone Wire Frames

This is a basic stencil for creating wire frames for iPhone optimized web sites (from April 2008) Includes standard components like form fields, buttons, dialogs, key boards, lists, loading icon, selected state. Any feedback would be appreciated, and I will make appropriate revisions.

Eclair UI

Eclair UI

Eclair UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.

iOS UI General

iOS UI General

iOS UI General stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.