Icon stencils
OS Logos II
extension of OS Logos by cjr http://graffletopia.com/stencils/209, with many linux distributions represented. I think every stencil is in vector format. Let me know if you need a missing logo. Includes: Sun, HP, IBM, VMWare, Apple, Oracle, OS X , Windows, Linux, Xen, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, SUSE,...more
This is a stencil of Pac-Man for Omnigraffle.
passive elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607
This stencil includes the mainly used passive electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world. Also available: -aktive...more
Physics Properties
Symbols to denote properties of physics.
Pictos 1 Icon Set
324 unique interface icons from Pictos. Hand crafted, infinitely scalable, and royalty-free.
Pictos 2 Icon Set
162 unique interface icons from Pictos. Hand crafted, infinitely scalable, and royalty-free.
Pictos 3 Icon Set
162 unique interface icons from Pictos. Hand crafted, infinitely scalable, and royalty-free.
Pictos 4 Icon Set
162 unique interface icons from Pictos. Hand crafted, infinitely scalable, and royalty-free.
Pictos Outlines Icon Set
180 icons from the Pictos icon sets. Remastered & restyled. Hand crafted, infinitely scalable, and royalty-free.