Miscellaneous stencils
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance management tool - a semi-standard structured report supported by proven design methods and automation tools that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by staff within their control and monitor the consequences arising from these actions....more
Barco Folsom Switchers
Stencils for Encore, FSN, ScreenPRO I, etc
Base Cabinets
This stencil contains all the base cabinets you need to help design your space or furniture using cabinets. All cabinets are titled and have dimensions added to each stencil object. Cabinet dimensions are based on one of the leading cabinet manufacturers in the US. All cabinets can be scaled to represent any cabinet...more
Base Colored Flow Chart Symbols
As a college professor, I like to teach the basics and nothing more. So, I put together this flowcharting template since it contains the same content as the base IBM set of shapes found in the IBM flowcharting template.
Basketball Diagram
Basic shapes to allow coaches to diagram plays
These batteries are vector-based. Each battery's components can be ungrouped. You can also adjust the 'charge' to any length and change it to any colour. If you scale the batteries, you may have adjust the relevant line weights and the radius of some of the components.
Bayes Elements
Mathematical elements for describing Bayes probabilities. Also includes stencils for sensors and platforms when using these elements for robotics or other applications.
Bell Curve V1.0
First Attempt at Bell Shape Curve
Berlin Skyline