Popular stencils
ROOM Modelling Language
Basic Real-Time Object Oriented Diagramming Symbols
iOS Gesture Icons
Common touch-screen gesture icons. Pre-scaled to small/medium/large for ease of use.
A small (but hopefully growing) collection of components by hardware maker Olimex. For now the Olinuxino A13 is the only board in the stencil, but I'm working on making more. If you made components for other Olimex boards and want to include them here, please email them to me: skaag@skaag.net
I needed a submarine symbol for a diagram, but couldn't find anything decent on the web. If anybody wants to add any other Navy objects, please feel free.
State-Event-Fault-Tree Stencil
This stencil can be used to model state-event-fault-trees. On the one hand, according state machines can be models easily and on the other, it provides skeletons for the event-tree part. It uses the ISO-Icons for AND, OR and NOT.
Tombstone Diagrams
Tombstone Diagrams are used to visualise the functioning of translator systems. Includes symbols for Program, Interpreter, Translator and Machine. This stencil is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Dutch TV channel logos
A collection of about twenty Dutch television channel logos.
Stick-figure Outfits(I guess). This was a bit of a distraction for an hour. Someone could have some fun with it... creating hair-styles, etc.
Cisco CCA and ISE
Cisco Clean Access and Identity Service Engine icons.