Stencils tagged with ‘actor’
YAUCS - Yet Another Use Case Stencil
A Stencil with ordinary UML Use Cases with some color added. Note: This stencil uses the Omnigraffle Pro Subgraph feature.
Diagramming Reactive Systems
Graphical notation that is used to depict message flows from the Reactive Design Patterns book written by Roland Kuhn with Jamie Allen.
People stencils for Network Diagram
Emotional Peeps
An upgraded version of stick-people to represent emotions. I created them to represent actors in Use-Case diagrams and jazz up my process diagrams to bring boring boxes to life. I am hoping to add more to this stencil as I need more emotions or acting actors. Please feel free to give me feedback or requests in the comments.
Swim Lane Deluxe
The swim lane diagram shows graphically the relationship of an application’s components and the group responsible for the component. This swim lane stencil includes Actors, Systems, Screens, Pages and Flow Diagram elements. Most of the stencil elements are borrowed from the existing Isometric stencils.
Value Stream Mapping v2
VSM symbols to visualize the value streams in your supply chain or material flows according to Lean Manufacturing principles. Based on former Yang's stencil but extended with new symbols and improved usability.
Switches & Contactors
Switches, contactors, transformer, circuit breaker, fuses
Degree Wheel
This symbol is a degree wheel or protractor. There are 360 ticks.
Value Stream Mapping
Visualize the value streams in your supply chain or material flows.