Stencils tagged with ‘search’
Empathy Map
This is the empathy map applied during design thinking user interview/observation exercises.
Service Design Blueprint
Template for service design blueprint. Help you create service blueprint for your project quickly.
Flat and Cool UI
Responsive web and flat UI design is the current trend. This file satisfies that trend giving you all of the components and web elements needed that is responsive-ready! Graphs, buttons, checkboxes, drop downs, search boxes, notifications, radio buttons, controllers, sign in form, CTAs (call to actions), hero, register form...more
Flat UI Elements
A collection of web elements (components) for easy and fast wire-framing for all of your UI needs. This stencil includes drop-downs, pagination, radio buttons, checkboxes, and buttons, plus a few bonus icons and credit cards.
Search (Drupal 7 CMS)
Included in this stencil you'll find some of the search components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the default search, advanced search, results, pager, Lucene Solr search, sorting, filter,...
Search (Magnolia CMS)
Search Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.
Concept Mapping
A set of objects for concept map creation. Intended for research article summarizing.
UX Activities and Documents
A stencil of UX activities and documents to illustrate the work that designers and researchers do. [originally created by Todd Zazelenchuk (Plantronics) and Elizabeth Boling (Indiana Univ)]