Stencils tagged with ‘table’
Blackberry Tablet Stencil
Blackberry Tablet user interface components from the Blackberry Stencil Kit.
Tableau Électrique
Stencil for diagramming switchboards.
Less Framework v4 Stencil
This stencil supports the Less Framework (v4) for creating grid-based, responsive web designs for standard, tablet and mobile devices. (See: We've created this in the effort to encourage interaction designers and information architects to consider grid-based design in their prototypes and wireframes.
Charts for storyboarding v1.2
A different set of charts and a table which can be used to create a storyboard or workflow for a dashboard
Charts for storyboarding
A different set of charts and a table which can be used to create a storyboard or workflow for a dashboard
Periodic Table
Tired of those bland looking chemical reactions diagrams? Well now you can use this stencil to make spectacular looking diagrams instead. Each element in the table has a magnet count equivalent to its valence so you can easily create bonds between elements. This stencil contains elements 1 through 117, each with identifying...more