Icon stencils
Round Arrows
A small collection of round arrows to create a circle of arrows. Each arrow can have a different color.
Rounded Numbers
Why clutter up your diagrams with a lot of text when the most used way of annotating diagrams is by using a number or a letter inside a circle? Very useful when needing to annotate diagrams, drawings, or photographs.
I needed some satellites for some simple network diagrams. They had to have the appearance of floating in the sky, so perspective was important. I set about creating these in Cinema 4D and dropping them into Omnigraffle.
Semantic Web Icons and Logos
A portion of the SVG icon sets from the W3C Semantic Web and RDF pages.
Semantic Web RDF Graph Symbols
Symbols used when creating RDF graphs, including classes, object and data properties, as well as RDFS and OWL primitives
sensors, switches, etc. elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 606007
This stencil includes the mainly used sensors,switches and more useful electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world....more
Servers (isometric)
Scaleable, labeled vector stencils converted from original isometric shapes of Visio 2007.
Simple Social Media Icons
A huge set of simple social media icons. They are vector / scalable. It's a direct port from Alex Peattie's set from here: http://www.alexpeattie.com/projects/justvector_icons. Thanks Alex!
A nice combination of sinusoid shapes (derived from trigonometric functions).