Macintosh stencils
Project Timeline/Strategic Roadmap
This stencil can be used to create a very user friendly Gantt chart to indicate tasks or projects and their priority over a 2 year timespan, using different colors to show resources or segments of the tasks or projects.
Rack Elements
A collection of frequently-used rack items, including the racks and rails themselves.
SIte Map
This stencil helps you draw beautiful and useful site maps.
Software Architecture Whiteboarding
Many years ago, I decided to go 100% digital and eliminate all paper based notes, scribbles and whiteboards. OmniGraffle helped me a great deal achieve that goal. I created this stencil to help throw ideas on a 'digital' white board and conduct brainstorming sessions with remote team members via screen sharing. Hope you find...more
State of Washington counties
A map of Washington counties as individual objects, with labels.
Twitter Bootstrap UI
This is a basic set of UI components to use when wireframing applications that use the Bootstrap framework. It is not a complete set, but it has already saved me tons of time and I'm hoping to add more in future versions soon.
USITT sound graphic standards
A small (hopefully growing) collection of the USITT's graphic symbols for sound design drafting.
UX Activities and Documents
A stencil of UX activities and documents to illustrate the work that designers and researchers do. [originally created by Todd Zazelenchuk (Plantronics) and Elizabeth Boling (Indiana Univ)]
XRackPro2 Omni Graffle Stencil for 4U, 6U, 12U and 25U Noise Reduction Enclosure, Noise Reducing Server Racks in Platinum and Black.