Miscellaneous stencils
Active Directory
Converted some objects from an old Active Directory Visio stencil to a .gstencil to map out AD structure. More can be added if you want to customize it for your specific needs.
active elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607
This stencil includes the mainly used active electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world. Also available: -passive...more
Active Storage ActiveRAID Systems
Active Storage, Inc. provides innovative RAID solutions for the business and creative industries, with an emphasis on the post-production, broadcast, publishing, education and science sectors. Active Storage products deliver a best-of-breed user experience, marrying award-winning industrial design, unmatched speed,...more
A few AUTOSAR Symbols
A stencil with some AUTOSAR Port symbols and SW-C shapes that i made for my own use.
Amazon Web Services
Version: 0.1 Date: May 2014 Default AWS Icons converted to pdf and prepared for Omnigraffle 6 Source: https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/icons/ Instruction (not mine): http://blog.odynia.org/omnigraffle-stencil-for-amazon-web-services-aws/
Android Wear
Android is coming to wearables. Here is the first stencil for OmniGraffle for the next Google release. Be ready to create your apps or prototypes. All elements are separated and editable. Official information about Wear: http://developer.android.com/wear/index.html
A set of annotations for photographs and diagrams inspired by the excellent annotations available in Little Snapper from RealMac Software.
Applications - Apple Icons 2015
Part of the Apple Icons 2015 collection: Applications, Devices, Disks, Documents, Folders & Miscellaneous. All high quality icons from OS X 10.9 and 10.10, laid out in this stencil. This is an updated copy of the original set I prepared in 2010 which was downloaded over 56,000 times! All stencils have offset labels...more
ArchiMate: Behaviour
This stencil is part of a set of ArchiMate stencils. ArchiMate is an enterprise architecture modelling language. Please note that to use the ArchiMate trademark commercially you also require an associated ArchiMate license.