User Interface stencils
Best Practice UX Forms Stencil v1.1
This is the second, more comprehensive release of this stencil which follows best practice UX form design practices, providing three different ways of laying forms out, each with their own benefits. This version also provides different button layouts, a progress indicator, captcha code input field, labels and more.
Best Practice UX Forms Stencil v2.0
This is the third, even more comprehensive release of this stencil which follows best practice UX form design principles, providing three different ways of laying forms out, each with their own benefits. This version also provides various controls and fields including multiple CAPTCHA fields, social networking buttons and more.
Blackberry Phone Stencil
Blackberry Phone user interface components from the Blackberry Stencil Kit.
Blackberry Tablet Stencil
Blackberry Tablet user interface components from the Blackberry Stencil Kit.
BlackBerry User Interface
A very basic stencil for BlackBerry. I've taken care to ensure that the representations of the devices are to scale; everything on the stencil is at 1/2 scale btw if you wanted to design in real size. Please feel free add to this stencil if you think some important controls are missing.
Blackberry Wireframe Stencil
Blackberry wireframe components from the Blackberry Stencil Kit.
Block Diagram Shapes
Block diagrams are simpler process diagrams that are used to depict online processes. One diagram represents one process, for instance, registration. Block diagrams can be used to very quickly define how a certain task or process is completed online. The diagram depicts each step in the process with all the pages and...more
Business Charts and Graphs
A full set of charts and graphics for data visualization in a subdued and professional color palette ideal for business. Included are bar charts, stacked bar charts, line charts, calendar views, bullet charts, pie charts, sparklines, bubble graphs, difference charts, area charts, gauges, a sankey diagram, funnel graph,...more
Business Model Canvas
This is a layered take on the Business Model Canvas, a tool for articulating business models. I've posted some background explanation here: