Popular stencils

Flex 3 Stencil

Flex 3 Stencil

Includes all Flex components from Flex 3 Style Guide: panels, data grid, buttons, fields, links, toggle, menu, scrolls, accordion, tabs, list, data picker, tool tip, errors.

Mac OS X Interface

Mac OS X Interface

Much interface design at Omni has started with a quick mockup in OmniGraffle. Here's the stencil I've been building, adding elements as I need them. Most designs start with an existing screenshot, with swatches of controlColor over things we need to get rid of, and layers of new controls on top of that. Clearly there are lots...more

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

The classic Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology by Chris Gane and Trish Sarson. SSADM is better known as Data Flow Diagrams. It is a simple and highly effective systems analysis and design (decomposition) methodology. It uses just four symbols, and it is excellent for communicating with non-technical users. A...more

Web Page Elements

Web Page Elements

Using the open-source "Bitstream Vera" font set and free icons from FamFamFam, you should have most of your common web page elements covered, including headings, form elements, content management function, image placeholders, etc.

Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)

Allows you to draw simple Entity Relation Diagrams (the first page). ERDs are useful in the early stages of a project, especially if you are using formal approach such as Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (for which there is a SSADM stencil) or IDEF0. I have added an extension, which allows indices to be...more

Dialogue Balloons

Dialogue Balloons

Comic-book bubbles!

Talk Bubbles

Talk Bubbles

A stencil set for talk/conversation bubbles.

Social Media Interface Objects

Social Media Interface Objects

With this OmniGraffle Stencil, I hope to help other Interaction Designers and Information Architects quickly build up interfaces with common Social Media interface components. To keep scaling and moving easy, I've done my best to be smart about which shapes to combine as unions, group as objects, keep editable text, or keep...more

AIGA Symbol Signs

AIGA Symbol Signs

Used at airports and transportation hubs, the AIGA symbol signs are a joint effort between AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Especially nifty for making maps of floor layouts for public display.