Popular stencils

Vmware Interface Icons

Vmware Interface Icons

Icon elements of Vmware Infrastructure interface

North America

North America

North America is brought to you by Canada, The United States, Mexico and many more nations (as well as a fine set of islands). English and native-language names of states, provinces and countries are stored in the notes field and will pop up in OmniGraffle Pro. Clicking with the action tool (the gloved hand) will direct your...more

Asia / Middle East / Australia / Oceania

Asia / Middle East / Australia / Oceania

Asia? I'd like you to meet Europe. Europe? Asia... Turkey, Russia, how do you handle the confusion? Luckily, you and over 50 of your friends fall into the non-European part of that Eurasian land mass. But wait, there's more! A little to the south and a little to the east you have Australia - continent or island, you decide....more

active elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607

active elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607

This stencil includes the mainly used active electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world. Also available: -passive...more

eEPK / EPC Diagram Stencils

eEPK / EPC Diagram Stencils

Stencils to create eEPK diagrams. eEPK are used to do process modeling. For details about eEPK see wikipedia * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event-driven_process_chain (English) or * http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEPK#erweiterte_Ereignisgesteuerte_Prozesskette_.28eEPK.29 (German)



Money-related symbols. Includes currencies, credit card logos, etc.



A series of musical notes.

Electronics Plus

Electronics Plus

We can rebuild it. Make it better, stronger, faster than it was before - we have the technology. Actually, we don't - Michael Jones took our existing electronics/circuit engineering stencil and vastly improved it: A great stencil if you're into electronics, even if you're not interested in making a bionic man.

Social Media Peeps

Social Media Peeps

Social Media people that you can use for charts and diagrams of communities, bloggers, Tweeps, whatever you can imagine.