Stencils tagged with ‘g’

UX Activities and Documents

UX Activities and Documents

A stencil of UX activities and documents to illustrate the work that designers and researchers do. [originally created by Todd Zazelenchuk (Plantronics) and Elizabeth Boling (Indiana Univ)]

Film Lighting

Film Lighting

This is a film lighting stencil for those of you out there hoping for a big break in Hollywood, but it still doesn't answer the question of what a "Best Boy" is — better ask the Gaffer.

Problem Frames Components

Problem Frames Components

Stencil with components for diagramming problem frames.

Business Process Modeling Notation

Business Process Modeling Notation

The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is an OMG standard for modeling business processes. It supports a broad range of scenarios: from internal workflows over abstract processes up to choreographies between different companies. More information can be found at the official website:

Toy Building Bricks

Toy Building Bricks

We spend all day creating all sorts of things with Graffle; org charts, graphs, maps and more. Somewhere along the way we discovered that in your spare time it can also be used to create a great looking boat, a house, or a spaceship! In the interest of good, clean fun the Toy Building Bricks stencil was born. Download it...more



While OmniGraffle probably isn't a tool for professional cartographers, we've found it can be quite useful for making informal maps and directions.



Got a green thumb? You should probably get that checked out, you know. But if it turns out you aren't a flesh eating zombie, maybe you're horticulturally inclined and a prime candidate for enjoying the many, many (well "several") uses of our new Garden Stencil.