Stencils tagged with ‘geometry’
Penrose Tiles
A set of tiles, in all relevant rotations, suitable for experimenting with Penrose tiles. The markings on each tile's edge must match its neighbors' markings. This guarantees a non-periodic tiling of the plane.
Use these blocks to make various loop shapes.
Dynamic Symmetry
Primarily used by artists, designers and architects over many centuries, dynamic symmetry can provide a sense of harmony and balance to your creative compositions. Not just one stencil; there are six in all covering a range of proportions from the golden rectangle (phi) to the more familar root-2 rectangle utilised by the ISO...more
Contains 21 puzzle shapes (all other combinations could be obtained with Rotation and Flip in Properties: Geometry).
Regular polygons
Regular polygons, all set and ready to go, from 3 to 15 sides.