Stencils tagged with ‘ia’
Site Map Stencil
This stencil allows you to create site maps in manual mode. It has various page types that can be dragged and dropped on the page as well as description copy blocks. Very helpful for people who used to create site maps manually in Visio.
Microsoft Windows Phone 7 wireframe stencil for Omnigraffle
Now for Omnigraffle, explore the wonderful world of Windows Phone 7! We have created an overview of this new mobile operating system. We have even added 3 themes to choose from. feel free to explore and come up with your own Windows Phone 7 app. You can read more about Windows Phone 7 interaction.
Best Practice UX Forms Stencil v2.0
This is the third, even more comprehensive release of this stencil which follows best practice UX form design principles, providing three different ways of laying forms out, each with their own benefits. This version also provides various controls and fields including multiple CAPTCHA fields, social networking buttons and more.
Extjs / Sencha
This is a stencil for extjs UI. This stencil approximates the look enough but doesn't attempt to make it 100% the same. This allows for much easier sizing of elements. feedback is welcome (alokjain1 at
Samsung TouchWiz UI
Samsung TouchWiz UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
HTC Sense UI
HTC Sense UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
Eclair UI
Eclair UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
Document Variables
A quick stencil for document variables, available by setting information in the Document: Data Inspector.
Glossary (Magnolia CMS)
Glossary Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.