Stencils tagged with ‘it’
Microservices architecture
Set of elements for the visualization of a microservice architecture for web applications.
Cool Flowchart Symbols 2.0
The new Cool Flowchart Symbols Version 2 stencil makes software process flowcharts beautiful. It features elegant symbol designs for processes, hardware, and popular document types. Version 2 adds new database, document types, and Sprint process symbols. I created this stencil because I wanted to create beautiful process...more
Different types of display devices
Stick-figure Outfits(I guess). This was a bit of a distraction for an hour. Someone could have some fun with it... creating hair-styles, etc.
Apple Final Cut Pro X icons (2015)
Includes most of the major Final Cut Pro X icons (with Magnets), updated for FCPX v.10.2. Also included are updated Compressor, Motion and some Third Party apps. Handy for designing workflows.
Zouzie's Broadcast Collection #1
Some cameras plus other TV and film industry items.
DIY Electric
Just a simple set of stencils to chart out lights and plugs in your own home, shop, or garage. It will help you keep your plan straight while you are making the connections. Example diagram from a real project included.
Knobs & Switches
Basic stuff, but all done in OmniGraffle, so it can easily be modified. The knobs with the 25/50/100 scale evidence a Graffle anomaly. Any suggested fixes are appreciated. The odd behavior can be overcome with selecting the outer ring and moving it when in need to adjust.
Endian UTM - Network Security | Endian 4i - Industrial IoT Security
The scope of network security is constantly shifting. M2M Communication, modern forms of mobile working, and new always ON social life demand new ways of protection. Endian stays ahead of the curve and offers best in class security solutions for industrial endpoint protection, remote services and WiFi management.