Stencils tagged with ‘it’
Official iconsets for creating diagrams that include Ubiquiti products.
Whiteboard Icons for Distributed System Design
Whiteboard style icons that can be used to draw Distributed System design diagrams. T
The ultimate stencil for home organization, planning, landscaping, and remodeling of your home, house or your client's home. This stencil includes shapes for outdoor landscaping, living room, party organization, kitchen remodeling, and more. This works wonderfully for apartment companies who would like to show prospect...more
Network Stencils Simplified
Here's a set of network stencils that takes the basic symbology created by Cisco in their icon sets and applies them to a standardized shape and color scheme. Round objects are devices that are homed in a router and everything else is square. Red objects are security devices. As always, let me know if you find these...more
Endian - 4i Edge 313 / 4i Edge 515
Endian 4i Edge 313- Digital Input/Output (DI/DO), 3 ethernet ports and optional 3G module are included in 4i Edge 313, the DIN rail industrial solution for non-critical environments. Endian 4i Edge 515- The Endian 4i Edge 515 brings an unparalleled level of hardware performance and features to the industrial VPN router market.
OS X Yosemite Stencil
OS X Yosemite stencil for designing screens and wireframing apps for the latest OS X release.
Net Stencils III
I wasn't quite happy with the first set of stencils so I did a little rework on the existing images and added a few more. Magnets were added to this set, something I overlooked on the last set Enjoy, Robert
State transition diagram stencil
A simple stencil supporting creation of a plain state transition diagram. All elements are tagged and coloured variations are supplied. Additional explanation can be added to describe your elements used.
iPad iOS 6 Stencil (Portrait)
iPad iOS 6 user interface components from the iPad Stencils Kit in portrait orientation.