Stencils tagged with ‘pc’
AWS Simple Icons 2017
Amazon Simple Icons from 2017. Contains AWS icons for all the AWS services
Punch Through Bean & Bean+
Stencils for Punch Through Bean & Bean+ Arduino bluetooth boards. Add bluetooth to your Arduino project. Connects to any mobile device, tablet or computer that supports bluetooth.
PC Keyboard
104 key IBM-PC style layout. Individual selectable keys
Stickman for flipcharts.
Flat and Cool UI
Responsive web and flat UI design is the current trend. This file satisfies that trend giving you all of the components and web elements needed that is responsive-ready! Graphs, buttons, checkboxes, drop downs, search boxes, notifications, radio buttons, controllers, sign in form, CTAs (call to actions), hero, register form...more
eEPK (EPC) Blue gradient
eEPK like the others but with blue functions to change a little bit
AWS Simple Icons for Architecture Diagrams from converted to stencils.
eEPK (EPC) Gradient Stencil
eEPK Gradient Stencil for modeling of Business Process Models
eEPK (EPC) Glossy Stencil
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