Stencils tagged with ‘symbol’
Math Symbols
I got annoyed with writing and dragging symbols from LaTeX to OmniGraffle, so here's a fairly large list of math symbols. Included in the package: - Greek letters, upper and lower-case; - Binary relations, groups & sets, etc.; - Blackboard bold (double-struck) uppercase letters; - Hebrew letters; - Arrows, harpoons, loops...more
This is Service Design Thinking Icon Set
"This is Service Design Thinking" is a book on service design that offers up a visual language/icon set with a CC license. The only problem is that they only offer AI vector files or flat pdfs. That problem is solved here!
Cricket Scoring Symbols
All cricket scoring symbols that are described in Tom Smith's "Cricket Umpiring and Scoring" book can be found in this stencil.
These batteries are vector-based. Each battery's components can be ungrouped. You can also adjust the 'charge' to any length and change it to any colour. If you scale the batteries, you may have adjust the relevant line weights and the radius of some of the components.
Webalys - Icons
• A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers. • These icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. They can be used for website wireframes, online application design, software interface mockup... • They are based on a precise 16 pixels grid, which means that they stay clear and have crispy...more
Network Symbols (isometric)
Scaleable, labeled vector stencils converted from original isometric shapes of Visio 2007.
Military Symbols
These are military map symbols. They probably don't make a lot of sense unless you're making military plans.
North Point 1
Here is a range of North Points for use with architectural plans and maps. Some sparrows made their way into the stencils as well.
Mind Mapping
Use this stencil to represent words, ideas, and tasks arranged around a central idea.