Stencils tagged with ‘ui’
iOS 7 Wireframe Kit
An OmniGraffle kit to make your wireframing a day at the beach. Born out of my own need for a good way to rapidly wireframe in OmniGraffle, this kit contains the most common UI elements in iOS 7. If you spot something I missed, fork it or shoot me a note.
The Office
This office stencil helps you save time and energy planning your next office move or re-organization. Includes furniture, computers (Mac and Microsoft), equipment, tablets (Microsoft Surface, iPad Air, iPad mini), desks, plants, chairs, break room equipment, microwave, lamps, modem, router, monitors, printers, plotters (for...more
Android Wear
Android is coming to wearables. Here is the first stencil for OmniGraffle for the next Google release. Be ready to create your apps or prototypes. All elements are separated and editable. Official information about Wear:
iPhone iOS 7 Stencil
iPhone iOS 7 user interface components from the iPhone Stencils Kit.
iPad iOS 7 Stencil
iPad iOS 7 user interface components from the iPad Stencils Kit.
Lil Pages - 50 UI Layouts
Lil Pages opens up the flexibility and enjoyment of creating beautiful documents to help communicate user flows, storyboarding, site map flowcharts, fast wireframing or simply UI icons to use in your next project. Lil Pages have been created to be simple, elegant and work straight out of the box. However, the real power lies...more
Flat and Simple UI
A collection of assets that I used for a few UX/UI projects. A lot of my clients here in the Redmond/Seattle Washington area like to have some colors added to the wireframes to notate actions and key areas therefore, this Flat and Simple UI stencil was created. Toasts, notifications, menu, navigation bar, radio buttons,...more
Eye Catching Wireframe Kit
If you're looking to create wireframes that sell, this is the stencil for you. It consists of all the basic elements you need to wireframe websites/web apps and create simple site maps and flowcharts. While it looks great, it allows for great interaction designs that won't be confused with the final visual design of your...more
iPhone / Clear Pro
This is an enhanced version of iOS7 Clear. This iPhone stencil includes many iOS 7 user interface elements, each element is transparent so it can be used on any colored background to make attractive mockups for your iOS apps. It's just more beautiful and professional! Please note this stencil will only work on coloured...more