Stencils tagged with ‘workflow’

Flowcharting Symbology

Flowcharting Symbology

Almost a complete set of flowchart symbols based upon ISO 5807:1985. With a few extra symbols. Symbols are measured in centimeters and are designed to be placed on a canvas with a major grid spacing of 2 cm and 8 minor grid steps. With thanks to radiorental for version 1.

TS Workflow

TS Workflow

A set of workflow blocks for sketching out TeamSite workflows. Autonomy's TeamSite uses a custom tool called Interwoven Workflow Modeler to construct workflows. This stencil represents all of the tasks and links available within the Workflow Modeler tool.

Interaction Workflow

Interaction Workflow

A subset of the flow diagram blocks specifically of use to Interaction Designers who are defining the workflow through their designs. I generally use these diagrams as clickable TOC in my UI design documents.