Newest stencils

REST Services

REST Services

A simple stencil to aid in the documentation of REST based web services.

Burndown template

Burndown template

Burndown template for Agile methodology

DIY Electric

DIY Electric

Just a simple set of stencils to chart out lights and plugs in your own home, shop, or garage. It will help you keep your plan straight while you are making the connections. Example diagram from a real project included.

Key Label

Key Label

Organize your key locker

Knobs & Switches

Knobs & Switches

Basic stuff, but all done in OmniGraffle, so it can easily be modified. The knobs with the 25/50/100 scale evidence a Graffle anomaly. Any suggested fixes are appreciated. The odd behavior can be overcome with selecting the outer ring and moving it when in need to adjust.

Audio Symbols

Audio Symbols

A general-purpose set of shapes for audio technology.

Pool Plumbing

Pool Plumbing

Pool plumbing PVC pipe and equipment. Create a new diagram with canvas scale set to 1in=1ft. Ruler units feet with major steps 1 ft and minor steps 12 inches.

Essence Kernel

Essence Kernel

This is a stencil for the Essence Kernel framework.

LABQuest Spectrophotometer

LABQuest Spectrophotometer

A stencil for labquest spectrophotometer with different solvents.