6 stencils favorited show all

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping

Use this stencil to represent words, ideas, and tasks arranged around a central idea.

Periodic Table

Periodic Table

Tired of those bland looking chemical reactions diagrams? Well now you can use this stencil to make spectacular looking diagrams instead. Each element in the table has a magnet count equivalent to its valence so you can easily create bonds between elements. This stencil contains elements 1 through 117, each with identifying...more

Old Mac

Old Mac

A collection of retro Macintosh icons. We love you Susan Kare!

Creative Commons

Creative Commons

Need to add a Creative Commons badge to a layout? This stencil has them all!

Scale Rulers - Metric

Scale Rulers - Metric

Here are some scale rulers that you can drag onto your maps, site plans, floor plans, or any other project where you want to provide your audience with a sense of scale. You are welcome to modify these rulers to suit your needs and post them back on Graffletopia as your own. Note: These rulers are completely vector based, so...more

Dynamic Symmetry

Dynamic Symmetry

Primarily used by artists, designers and architects over many centuries, dynamic symmetry can provide a sense of harmony and balance to your creative compositions. Not just one stencil; there are six in all covering a range of proportions from the golden rectangle (phi) to the more familar root-2 rectangle utilised by the ISO...more