5 stencils favorited show all

Role Activity Diagram

Role Activity Diagram

Role Activity Diagram for use in business process analysis.

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas

This is a layered take on the Business Model Canvas, a tool for articulating business models. I've posted some background explanation here: http://bit.ly/bmtemplate

Internet of Things Icons

Internet of Things Icons

Created for a Report on the Internet of Things that I just completed. Used for illustrations and cover art. Nearly all Graffle work so you can customize as you see fit. Cover art included using "reflections" with fading. Portions of the work are copyrighted 2015 by John Egan

Project Timeline/Strategic Roadmap

Project Timeline/Strategic Roadmap

This stencil can be used to create a very user friendly Gantt chart to indicate tasks or projects and their priority over a 2 year timespan, using different colors to show resources or segments of the tasks or projects.

Interactive Sketch Notation

Interactive Sketch Notation

A collaboration with Jakub Linowski to elvolve and componentise his Interactive Sketch Notation concept