Miscellaneous stencils

Cellular Components and Proteins

Cellular Components and Proteins

This is a collection of symbols for diverse proteins. It includes transmembrane proteins, transcription factors, kinases and enzymes as well as a representation of the nucleus and the mitochondrium. If you use this stencil for a publication, it would be kind to acknowledge the source (see website below).

Circle Flow Arrows

Circle Flow Arrows

Some circular arrows useful for illustrating repeating processes or flows.

Circles of 9-12 arrows

Circles of 9-12 arrows

A companion to the Curved Block Arrow stencil, which provides circles of 1-8 curved block arrows, this continues the sequence with circles of 9-12 arrows. The circles can be rotated as a group, and ungrouped circles can be selected and rotated to create various stellar and other patterns. To reverse arrow direction, selected...more

clef de Sol et Fa

clef de Sol et Fa

papier à musique pour clef de Sol et Fa

Clefs, notes

Clefs, notes

Clef de sol et clef de fa

Coffee cup

Coffee cup

Coffee cup



A simple stencil with two cogs.

Cogs 2014

Cogs 2014

A selection of cogs of different sizes with different numbers of teeth. The cogs have transparent holes in the middle.

Colorfill boxes

Colorfill boxes

A set of colored boxes.