Miscellaneous stencils

Completely Customisable People

Completely Customisable People

The People stencil contains 16 completely customisable people for you to use and enjoy! Each Person is made up of swappable facial expressions, hair, clothes and accessories, so you can mix and match the People as you see fit. Of course, each part is also customisable using Omnigraffle - change the colour and stroke of any...more

Concentric Corners (Subway map type)

Concentric Corners (Subway map type)

Collection of concentric corners of a type that may be used to create subway maps, etc. Select a group of corners and drag to your canvas, then ungroup to use individual corners. This set was inspired by the NYC subway "KickMap"

Concept Mapping

Concept Mapping

A set of objects for concept map creation. Intended for research article summarizing.

Cricket Scoring Symbols

Cricket Scoring Symbols

All cricket scoring symbols that are described in Tom Smith's "Cricket Umpiring and Scoring" book can be found in this stencil.



Fill patterns that can be used for process flows.

Cursors Collection

Cursors Collection

This stencil provides an assortment of mouse cursors. Inside: Pointer - Question / Info., Not allowed, Add Hand - Link, Open, Closed Crosshair Cell select Cell expand - horizontal & vertical Expand - vertical, horizontal, and diagonal Move Beach ball of death (Spinning pinwheel or rotating...more

Curved block arrows

Curved block arrows

8 circles made of sets of 1-8 curved block arrows. The circles can be rotated as a group, and ungrouped circles can be selected and rotated to create various stellar and other patterns. To reverse arrow direction, select a grouped circle, and flip horizontally or vertically using the geometry inspector. See also the companion...more

Custom Circle of Arrows

Custom Circle of Arrows

Move and resize the rectangle, and run its action (with the Action Browse tool), to frame it with a circle of N arrows. Edit the parameters in the dialogue which appears, to choose the number, width, and direction of arrows, and the way in which the circle of arrows fits inside or outside the resized rectangle. Entering "?"...more

Cutting Line

Cutting Line

Use this to include cutting lines in your document