Popular stencils
Contains 21 puzzle shapes (all other combinations could be obtained with Rotation and Flip in Properties: Geometry).
Round Arrows
A small collection of round arrows to create a circle of arrows. Each arrow can have a different color.
C3 Rails Diagramming
Some helpful stencils for designing your database and models. Sort of an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) with some added stuff that helps me think through what's going to go on when I get to coding. Don't feel bad if (like me) you are more of a Designer/Developer and just use the plain arrow to connect things. The ERD stuff...more
Cisco Universal (iOS and Mac OS)
Cisco's vector shapes from http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac50/ac47/2.html converted from individual color EPS files (last updated May 2010) to allow use with the iOS and the Mac OS release of OmniGraffle. There are 293 shapes in this stencil. OmniGraffle for the Mac will display these in full vector while the current iOS...more
Extjs GUI Layout and Widgets
This is the updated version of our popular Ext JS Omnigraffle stencil which is available for download on our website and on Graffletopia.com. This update contains many improvements and additions, namely that we were able to recreate most Ext JS elements as graffletopia shapes or groups. This is especially helpful for resizing...more
Pretty Server Farm
Network Server icons
Web Form Elements
Edward Anastas has put together a handy stencil composed of often-used elements in HTML and web page forms: radio buttons, checkboxes, combo boxes, entry fields and text areas. Nice looking and Aqua, to boot.
BPMN 2.0 Comprehensive Stencil (Version 2.5)
This is probably the most comprehensive set of BPMN 2.0 objects in the world :-). Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a graphical representation for specifying business processes in a business process model. BPMN was developed by Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI), and is currently maintained by the Object...more
Wireframe Sketch
Use to create printouts for your paper-protoyping or interactive mockups that can be exported to click-able pdf in Omni. Please let me know of any omissions/additions and I'll update the stencil.