Stencils tagged with ‘it’
passive elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607
This stencil includes the mainly used passive electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world. Also available: -aktive...more
Pattern Instance Notation - Expanded PINboxes
This stencil aids in creating Expanded PINboxes for the Pattern Instance Notation. (See that stencil for the Collapsed and Standard forms of the PINbox.) Pattern Instance Notation is a software diagramming notation for working with design patterns, both on its own and as an adjunct to UML and other modeling visual languages....more
Pattern Instance Notation (PIN)
Pattern Instance Notation is a software diagramming notation for working with design patterns, both on its own and as an adjunct to UML and other modeling visual languages. It is described in full in the article The Pattern Instance Notation: A Simple Hierarchical Visual Notation for the Dynamic Visualization and...more
PDSA Cycle Graphic
For use in quality improvement documents, several versions of the graphical image depicting the "Plan-Do-Study-Act" cycle.
These persona stencils make the process of persona diagramming quicker and easier. Use in conjunction with the Silhouettes stencil for quick persona development or for placement only without having to worry about rights issues.
Petri nets
A stencil for creating Petri nets diagrams (for predicate/transition, or PT, nets)
Platform Architecture
Basic elements for software platform architecture
Post It Strips
Multi-colored Post It strips for brainstorming/organizing
property testing
an illustration of property testing algorithms one-sided error two-sided error