Stencils tagged with ‘phone’
HTC Sense UI
HTC Sense UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
Samsung TouchWiz UI
Samsung TouchWiz UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
Eclair UI
Eclair UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.
Audiogear 1.0a
Here's a stencil I've been using personally for a while for creating an overview of the audiogear I use at a local stage. There's a bunch of common microphones in there, along with rackmounted gear and simplified drawings of commonly used connectors. When the demand is there, I may add other stuff to it as well.
Simple Icons
WindowsPhone 7 Controls
Replication of most of the controls for WindowsPhone 7. Probably could be optimized more but thought I'd share in the current state as it may be useful.
Apple Hardware Elements 2010
A collection of official Apple hardware icons, for use in physical network diagramming. Includes the following: iMac (all generations) MacBook Pro (unibody, previous generation) MacBook (unibody, previous generation) PowerBook (all generations) AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule Apple Cinema Display iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch XServe...more
Google Android 1.6 Wireframe stencil for Omnigraffle
Download our very own wireframe stencil add-on for OmniGraffle 5.x. Use this tool kit to wireframe Android based Apps and sites on the 1.6 Donut SDK. I have grouped page elements together as screens and designed them to be flexible. When we design Mobile UX we focus on using standard controls and showing customers the real UI...more
Touch Gesture Reference
The Touch Gesture Reference is a stencil for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces.