8 stencils favorited show all

Twitter Widgets

Twitter Widgets

Twitter and Tweetmeme widgets. Enjoy!



Create schemas for taskanalysis.

Social Media Interface Objects

Social Media Interface Objects

With this OmniGraffle Stencil, I hope to help other Interaction Designers and Information Architects quickly build up interfaces with common Social Media interface components. To keep scaling and moving easy, I've done my best to be smart about which shapes to combine as unions, group as objects, keep editable text, or keep...more

Placeholder Text

Placeholder Text

Placeholder text stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.

iPhone Wire Frames

iPhone Wire Frames

This is a basic stencil for creating wire frames for iPhone optimized web sites (from April 2008) Includes standard components like form fields, buttons, dialogs, key boards, lists, loading icon, selected state. Any feedback would be appreciated, and I will make appropriate revisions.

iOS UI General

iOS UI General

iOS UI General stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.