Stencils tagged with ‘rails’

Ruby on Rails Mockups

Ruby on Rails Mockups

Simple CRUD scaffold that mimics the rails scaffold generator. Edit a copy of these stencils to create your custom stencils to be project specific. Updates and release notes available through twitter (@hadonkeydonk) and the website ( Thanks for all the feedback! Last updated - 21st August, 2010 (v0.2)

Simple Domain Modeling

Simple Domain Modeling

Simple Domain Modeling for Ruby on Rails application development. No need to UMLize your thinking. Communication not documentation.

C3 Rails Diagramming

C3 Rails Diagramming

Some helpful stencils for designing your database and models. Sort of an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) with some added stuff that helps me think through what's going to go on when I get to coding. Don't feel bad if (like me) you are more of a Designer/Developer and just use the plain arrow to connect things. The ERD stuff...more

Rails DB Modeling

Rails DB Modeling

This is a semi-complete version of a Ruby on Rails way to model a database. The table objects include a space to enter in the declarations that you are considering placing in your model files. I have included a list of reminders of the things that would go into the model declarations towards the right. Each table has anchor...more