Macintosh stencils
Popular Macintosh stencils
UX Activities and Documents
A stencil of UX activities and documents to illustrate the work that designers and researchers do. [originally created by Todd Zazelenchuk (Plantronics) and Elizabeth Boling (Indiana Univ)]
Apple Elements
Stencil of additional Apple hardware and misc. networking components. Excellent for creating physical diagrams.
Isometric icons
A handy set of isometric icons based on Visio's icons.
iPhone Sketch
This is a stencil for quick sketching of iPhone ideas. Use the outline for printouts so you can hand sketch as well. The symbols are meant as a check list for included features in your app development. Visit and join in:-) Please leave a comment, nice to know if it's usable for others.
Apple Hardware
A collection of 62 high-res 1024x1024 hardware icons that Apple uses in the finder when Coverflow is active. Even has the PC with the Blue screen of death. All with transparent backgrounds. Updated to include new MacBooks. Check out 'Apple IOS Hardware' for all the IOS devices and 'Apple Watch Hardware' for high-res Apple...more
Mac OS X Interface
Much interface design at Omni has started with a quick mockup in OmniGraffle. Here's the stencil I've been building, adding elements as I need them. Most designs start with an existing screenshot, with swatches of controlColor over things we need to get rid of, and layers of new controls on top of that. Clearly there are lots...more
Adobe CS3 icons
Totally random collection of icons for most of the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection applications.
Apple Elements
Stencil of additional Apple hardware and misc. networking components. Excellent for creating physical diagrams.
Apple Final Cut Pro X (Retina) icons
Most of the major Final Cut Pro X icons in full Retina Display resolution. I've also left in some legacy Final Cut Studio apps. Also included Aperture, and XSan. Handy for designing workflows.
Apple Folder Elements 2010
A collection of official Apple folder icons, for use in network or software diagramming. Includes the following: All Finder icons (photos, music, videos, developer, etc) Smart folder icon, '@' icons for visual representation of links Blank page icons 35 Total. Please note this stencil has NO magnets currently, these will be...more
Apple Hardware
A collection of 62 high-res 1024x1024 hardware icons that Apple uses in the finder when Coverflow is active. Even has the PC with the Blue screen of death. All with transparent backgrounds. Updated to include new MacBooks. Check out 'Apple IOS Hardware' for all the IOS devices and 'Apple Watch Hardware' for high-res Apple...more
Apple Hardware Elements 2010
A collection of official Apple hardware icons, for use in physical network diagramming. Includes the following: iMac (all generations) MacBook Pro (unibody, previous generation) MacBook (unibody, previous generation) PowerBook (all generations) AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule Apple Cinema Display iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch XServe...more
Apple Icons 2 (Large)
A set of large application and system icons from Mac OS X (Part 2).
Apple Icons 2 (Small)
A set of small application and system icons from Mac OS X (Part 2).
Apple Icons (Large)
A set of large application and system icons from Mac OS X (Part 1).